Tuesday, August 17, 2010

25 random things about me

1. My favorite colors are purple and green

2. I have an addiction to sprite i drink at least 5-6 a day

3.Sometimes i blurt out random things without knowing it

4. I like people that are straight up with me no matter how much they think something will hurt me are make me mad i think it's better if they just tell me whats up than lagg it on

5.  I like expressing myself by writing poetry and Since i was 12 ive been able to make a poem from any word

6. I used to be so lazy i ate cocoa puff's for breakfast lunch and dinner

7.I never learned how to swim are float above water

8. when i was young i had an imaginary friend named jim then when i turned 12 he mysteriously disapeared ''

9.  I don't see myself going to college, i am good with a high school diploma and a BMX sponsership riding with my favorite biker from team fit edwin delarosa

10. I'm the type of person who doesnt care what anyone thinks of me, im just being me and living life to the fullest, because although many people think of me as a jerk in the reality im actually a nice guy it just takes time to know me and if they don't want do that then whatever

11. my favorite bands are disturbed,slipknot,all that remains,and bullet for me valentine

12. where i used to live i was known as the guy with the beautiful eyes

13. I have trust issues with everyone if you do happen to get me to trust you and you break that trust you will never get it back

14. I don't really like to get attatched to people because everyone i get close to seems to leave are hurt me in some way so i keep a distance

15. no matter the problem are how sad, mad,happy, ect the person is i am always straight up about everything

16.I have a tendency to click my thumbs and middle finger together when im mad are agitated

17.No matter what happens in my life i will never be afraid of anything are anyone

18.I'm one of those who takes respect to heart whether your an adult,kid,cop ect idc if you show me respect i'll show you respect but if you don't then don't expect any in return

19. I hate fakes so if your fake we will never be friends

20.I am really energetic and i am always out of the house doing something

21. when i was lil i used to love watching soccer with my cousins so i still watch my favorite team mexico Play

22. I used to love reading goosebumps  and have read almost every book but 2

23. I have a knack to never turn down a dare so that kinda gets me in trouble alot

24.i will eat anything except mushrooms and onions

25.My favorite music is hip hop, R&B, oldies, and Rock