Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free Choice Blog Post

During Spafest there were a lot of things that happened. For one there was a talent show that I didn't go to but heard a lot of good things about. There was a basketball game in which the team i was on won 4 out of 5 games. There was the huge amount of food that I saw but couldn't eat because of my mouth was swollen. The highlight of the night was the dance in which there were so many people just giggin it and having fun. It was a night that i will remember for a while because i felt so good and excited to be with somewhat my friends doing random stuff and getting off. I was most surprised when Aryon and Becky were dancing because I've only seen Aryon dance once and he didn't do as much before as he did that night. As for Becky I've never seen her dance before but after that dance, now I know that she has moves and when you play a good song and she’s around expect a lot of people to sit down and be jealous because she is downright incredible.:)   Besides the sophomores there was someone in my house that stood out was my junior housemate Angel who has never actually danced before but at the dance he was hella giggin it. Everytime i turned around he was either with another female ,getting off are just plain doing his own thing.  I was kind of shocked that K.A.P.T didn't show up at the dance ready to go. the only ones that showed up was me and Pablo but it was ok it's good to have a little PLAYTIME. ,") in all it was a night to remember and it gets even better because we are having another dance pretty soon only this time there won't be as much authority at this one then at the other one.


  1. Gosh! It sounds like you guys had a blast! Yay!

  2. Sounds like the weekend was awesome! I am looking forward to hearing all about it from you guys! :)

  3. Avoid writing slang. Remember to capitalize "I."
